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2 Mark Bird Lane, Elverson, PA 19520
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William Bird Book
This book is available for $13 for one book, $23 for two books, $33 for three books.
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The Friends of Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site

This 80-page full color biographical sketch includes photos, maps, and documents detailing the legacy of an extraordinary pioneer ironmaster William Bird, the first settler of Birdsboro and the father of Mark Bird who built Hopewell Furnace. The author is Daniel Graham.
William Bird started in America as an indentured servant and a woodcutter for another ironmaster and rose quickly through hard work and intelligence to become an ironmaster in his own right. He built three refinery forges and a cold blast charcoal furnace. Bird was instrumental in the founding of Berks County, becoming one of the county’s first Justices of the Peace and was one of the richest men of the county at his death, leaving an iron production and distribution system that would be enhanced by his son Mark, the developer of the Hopewell Furnace tract.
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